All vehicles with an internal combustion engine, meaning most engine types besides electric, are equipped with a timing belt. The purpose of this belt is to time the engine so valves, pistons and other internal parts move in unison.
We see one of the more common failures starting to occur. The timing belt has cracks on the other side, as well. These cracks in the timing belt usually occur where the teeth extend from the timing belt. The teeth on a vehicles timing belt have been known to shred off the belt at these cracks causing serious damage to the motor.
When a timing belt breaks it can cause internal engine damage to the valves and pistons. To access the valve and piston the engine had to be removed and separated. A broken belt will typically bend valves and in some cases even drive a valve through the piston. Don't let a broken timing belt happen to you.
Gary employs expertly trained timing belt repair & service technicians. If you are due for your 90, 105, or 120K timing belt interval service, contact our staff, book an appointment, or stop by today. We look forward to working with you.